Are you a teacher?

We get girls ready for the tech industry via our learning platform, created in close collaboration with our partners.

We prepare the industry for girls by aiding our partners with their EDI goals and strategies.

Corporate partnerships

Want to help us make a difference?

Nourish your future talent pipeline by joining our partner network.

You will receive support on your Diversity and Inclusion strategy whilst paying it back to the next generation of workers.

Corporate Partnerships with InnovateHer
Teacher Resources at InnovateHer

Are you an educator?

With our learning platform, we connect students with real-life industry role models, providing them with the opportunity to interact with leading employers and learn new digital skills.

If you’d like to facilitate our content in your school, we’d love to hear from you!

Join our ambassador network

We love partnering with tech role models to create engaging content for our learning platform.

We also rely on our amazing network of activists, who help get the word out about our mission.

No matter how much time you can spare, if you are a tech worker with a passion for diversity, we would love you on board!

PS – It also looks great for your CV!

Become an ambassador with InnovateHer

Made possible by our partners

Every year, companies support and fund our programmes so that our work in schools can remain free. In return, we offer support, guidance and access to future talent.