Music: The secret weapon for menopause relief

'PPL PRS' Guide to Menopause'

Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life that is poorly understood but widely experienced. The equivalent of one third of the UK’s entire female population is undergoing menopause, and suffering from symptoms which drove 1 in 10 to leave their jobs in 2022 due to lack of support in their workplace.

In recognition of this under-represented challenge, PPL PRS is marking International Women’s Day 2023 by launching ‘PPL PRS’ Guide to Menopause’.

Using the results from our new survey into symptoms, relief methods, and workplace support from menopausal women across the UK, and expert advice from music therapist Marianne Rizkallah and neuroscientist Dr Rock, PPL PRS’ Guide to Menopause identifies:

  • the most common, debilitating symptoms of menopause;
  • how employers can support their menopausal staff members;
  • and how music can be a valuable tool in the wellness toolbox to combat the negative effects of menopause.

PPL PRS is proud to champion this resource as a member of the 2,000+ group of companies which have signed the Wellbeing of Women Menopause Workplace Pledge. Signing the pledge is just one of several options available to workplaces to support those among their team suffering from menopause.

For employers looking for ways to begin supporting their menopausal team members, our Guide to Menopause offers a starting list which we encourage you to use as your springboard for better workplace support. Small changes, like care packages, setting up support groups, and playing music in your workplace – whether it’s an office, shop, pub, salon, or café – can make a big difference to the quality of life for women working through the menopause.




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