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Faculty of Health and Life Sciences

Professor David Hosken

Professor David Hosken

Professor of Evolutionary Biology

 01326 371843

 Stella Turk Building Upper Groud Floor


University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, TR10 9FE


I am an evolutionary biologist with broad interests, but I am primarily interested in sexual phenotypes, particularly those associated with sexual selection and sexual conflict, and in the genotype-phenotype link. I also work on the genetics of sexual selection, sperm competition, inbreeding, metabolism, and intra-locus sexual conflict. I am particularly interested in DDT-resistance alleles in Drosophila because of the sexually antagonistic selection they generate. I also work on bat ecology and aging. I am a member of the Evolution research group and am based in Cornwall.


1992 BSc University of Western Australia
1998 PhD University of Western Australia


2022-present. Deputy-Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy

2019-2022. Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Cornwall

2015-2019. Dean of Strategic Development, Cornwall

2015 Leverhulme Research Fellowship

2013 Zoological Society of London, Scientific Medal

2010-present Chair in Evolutionary Biology

2010-2014 Director of the Centre for Ecology and Conservation

2004-2010 Reader in Evolution, School of Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK

1999-2004 Assistant, Zoological Museum, University of Zurich, Switzerland

1999 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Chicago, USA

1999 Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellow, University of Konstanz, Germany

1997-1998 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Zurich, Switzerland


Research group links

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Research interests

I am broadly interested in evolutionary biology, although most of my work is focused on sexual selection, particularly sperm competition and sexual conflicts.

For those with an interest in reproductive biology, sperm competition and sperm, please see Sperm Biology: An Evolutionary Perspective. Elsevier. Birkhead, T.R., Hosken, D.J. & Pitnick, S. (eds) (2009) see  or  Includes chapters on sperm proteome, history of spermatology, origins of sperm, sperm competition, sperm-egg interactions to name a few and for a report on recent sexual conflict work please see: New Scientist.

For those more broadly interested in sexual selection see our book Genotype by Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection. Hunt J & Hosken DJ (2014).

For more detail on my research interests see:

Research projects

1. Sexual selection

a) Is sexual selection adaptive? Darwin suggested natural selection would oppose sexual selection, as did Fisher, but also noted that sexual selection could increase non-sexual fitness. Which of these views is correct? I am using laboratory evolution in insect models to investigate this and test if sexual selection does facilitate natural selection.

b) I am also interested in female choice. I have been funded to investiage the costs of female preference, again using insect models. This work looks at the innate costs of carrying certain mate preferences, but I am interested in preference and choice more broadly as this is an area that is relatively under explored.

c) The other main focus in this area is genital evolution. Genitalia are broadly considered to be the fastest evolving morphological characters. While it is widely accepted that sexual selection is responsible for this rapid and divergent evolution, this is a topic that has been subject to little experimental investigation. I again use selection experiments and insects to answer specific questions about genital evolution, and am also interested in further study of the apparent differences between vertebrate and non-vertebrate genital allometry, the scaling of female genitalia, and the genetic architecture of genital characters.

d) GxE in sexual selection.  Most models of sexual selection assume that genetic effects are constant across environments, but this may not be true.  We have been investigating GxE in sexual selection and its impacts.

2. Ontogenetic conflict

Males and females (largely) share the same genes but often have different fitness optima.  This results in evolutionary tug-of-wars over optimal trait values.  How are these conflicts resolved (and can they be)? What are their consequences? And how does intra-locus conflict impact benefits of mate choice?

We investigate these questions in beetles and flies and have recently descibed the first naturally occuring locus at which there is intra-locus sexual conflict, a DDT-resistance locus found in Drosophila.

3. The interaction between environmental and genetic stress and their effects on fitness

Increased inbreeding is a consequences of reduced population size in many systems. In addition, various environmental stresses, including a range of pollutants, are increasingly impinging upon these same populations. I am investigating potential synergies between these two types of stress in fish in collaboration with Professor Charles Tyler at our Streatham Campus.

4. Bat Ecology

Bats spend more than half their time roosting and as a result, roosts are an important resource for them. I am currently involved in projects on bats and windfarms (with Dr Fiona Matthews) and have previously worked on roost use of Cornish bats, and the activity patterns and roost use of bats of the Cayman Islands, plus a study on the spatial ecology of serotine bats in the UK (in conjunction with FERA). Previously, I have worked on bat reproductive biology, metabolism and recently supervised work on the activity patterns and conservation status of cave roosting Madagascan bats.

5. Specific Projects - butterfly genomics, bacteria, sperm and metabolism

I also have on-going investigation of gamete size and use, and the meadow brown butterflies on the Isle of Scilly. This work focusses on following up classical studies conducted by EB Ford and involves indentifying the genes involved in wing patterning.  We are also investigating bacterial effects on fitness, Y-chromosome fitness effects and the metabolic costs of trait expression. In the past I have also worked on immunity, aging, reproductive anatomy and bat reproduction, and also have projects on-going in each of these areas.

Research networks


Prof N Wedell, Prof T Tregenza, Prof C Tyler,  Prof D Hodgson, Prof Zen Lewis, Dr MD Sharma, Prof Sasha Dall,  Prof A Wilson , Prof F Matthews, Dr Kelly Moyes, Dr B Kuiper, Dr A Sutter, Prof M Recker, Dr P Lintott, Prof E Westra and Prof A Buckling.

Prof Suzanne Alonzo, Prof Scott Pitnick, Dr Kensuke Okada, Dr Ruth Archer, Prof Jacek Radwan, Dr Maxi Tourmente, Prof Taka Miyatake, Dr Kentarou Matsumura, Prof Subhash Rajpurohit, Prof Rhonda Snook, Prof Judith Mank, Prof John Hunt, and Dr Clarissa House.

Research grants

  • 2014 NERC
    Sexual selection and bacteria
  • 2012 BBSRC
    Genetic basis of sexual antagonism
  • 2012 CLES Strategic Development Fund
    Spot genes in Maniola
  • 2012 The Royal Society
    Mutational variance
  • 2011 FERA
    Genetics of badgers
  • 2011 Pierre Hunt Bequest
    Bats in Cornwall
  • 2011 Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
  • 2011 The Genetics Society
    Summer studentship
  • 2010 ESF Workshop
    GEIs and Sexual Selection
  • 2010 DEFRA
    Bats and wind-farms
  • 2009 NERC
    The rapid evolution of male genitalia
  • 2009 European Social fund
    GxE's in sexual selection
  • 2009 FERA
    Spatial ecology of serotine bats
  • 2008 NERC KT
    Impacts of inbreeding on the responses to pharmaceuticals and fitness consequences in a fish
  • 2008 The Genetics Society
    Maniola & EB Ford
  • 2006 BBSRC
    Sex peptide evolution
  • 2006 NERC
    Sexual conflict coevolution - population size, divergence and the emergence of new variation
  • 2005 European Social fund
    Sexual selection in flies
  • 2003 Swiss National Science Foundation
    Female multiple mating and sperm competition in the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea
  • 2001 Forschungskredit University of Zurich
    Molecular assessment of the importance of sperm number on sperm competition in dung flies
  • 2001 Roche Research Foundation
    Paternity in field captured dung flies

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Hosken DJ, Hunt J, Wedell N (2019). Genes and Behaviour: Beyond Nature-Nurture. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, Hunt J, Wedell N (2019). Preface.
Hunt J, Hosken DJ (eds)(2014). Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection. , Wiley Blackwell.
Hosken DJ, Hunt J (2014). Preface.
Birkhead TR, Hosken, D.J. Pitnick, S. (2009). Sperm Biology: an Evolutionary Perspective. , Elsevier.

Journal articles

Archer R, Recker M, Duffy E, Hosken D (In Press). Intralocus sexual conflict can resolve the male-female health-survival paradox. Nature Communications
Hosken DJ, Alonzo SH, Wedell N (In Press). Why aren’t females ornamented more often?.
Nishitani T, Matsumura K, Postma E, Sharma MD, Hosken DJ, Miyatake T (2024). Experimental quantification of genetic and ontogenetic effects on fighting behavior in the broad-horned flour beetle. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 78(3). Abstract.
Archer CR, Hosken DJ (2024). Resolving the puzzle of same-sex sexual interactions. Nat Rev Urol, 21(4), 195-196.  Author URL.
Pennell TM, Sharma MD, Sutter A, Wilson DT, House CM, Hosken DJ (2024). The condition‐dependence of male genital size and shape. Ecology and Evolution, 14(3).
Hooper R, Maher K, Moore K, McIvor G, Hosken D, Thornton A (2024). Ultimate drivers of forced extra-pair copulations in birds lacking a penis: jackdaws as a case-study. Royal Society open science, 11(3). Abstract.
Archer CR, Alper C, Mack L, Weedon M, Sharma MD, Sutter A, Hosken DJ (2023). Alcohol reduces choosiness and relaxes mate preferences in female Drosophila simulans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Archer CR, Hosken DJ (2023). Introduction to topical collection “Sexual selection, sexual conflict and aging”. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 77(2).
Saxena S, Hosken DJ, Dutta T (2022). Digest: Brain or brawn: Trade-offs between brain size and flight mode in birds. Evolution, 76(8), 1916-1918. Abstract.  Author URL.
Carey MR, Archer CR, Rapkin J, Castledine M, Jensen K, House CM, Hosken DJ, Hunt J (2022). Mapping sex differences in the effects of protein and carbohydrates on lifespan and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster: is measuring nutrient intake essential?. Biogerontology, 23(1), 129-144. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken D, Wedell N, Stockey P (2022). Obituary in memoriam of Professor Matthew JG Gage. ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, 185  Author URL.
Laugen AT, Hosken DJ, Reinhold K, Schwarzenbach GA, Hoeck PEA, Bussière LF, Blanckenhorn WU, Lüpold S (2022). Sperm competition in yellow dung flies: No consistent effect of sperm size. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35(10), 1309-1318. Abstract.
Lymbery SJ, Tomkins JL, Buzatto BA, Hosken DJ (2021). Kin-mediated plasticity in alternative reproductive tactics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1956), 20211069-20211069. Abstract.
Okada K, Katsuki M, Sharma MD, Kiyose K, Seko T, Okada Y, Wilson AJ, Hosken DJ (2021). Natural selection increases female fitness by reversing the exaggeration of a male sexually selected trait. Nature Communications, 12(1). Abstract.
Richardson S, Lintott P, Hosken D, Economou T, Matthews F (2021). Peaks in bat activity at turbines and the implications for mitigating the impact of wind energy developments on bats. Scientific Reports, 11
House CM, Lewis Z, Sharma MD, Hodgson DJ, Hunt J, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2021). Sexual selection on the genital lobes of male Drosophila simulans. Evolution, 75(2), 501-514. Abstract.  Author URL.
Singh KS, Hosken DJ, Wedell N, Ffrench-Constant R, Bass C, Baxter S, Paszkiewicz K, Sharma MD (2020). De Novo Genome Assembly of the Meadow Brown Butterfly, Maniola jurtina. G3 (Bethesda), 10(5), 1477-1484. Abstract.  Author URL.
Simmons LW, Parker GA, Hosken DJ (2020). Evolutionary insight from a humble fly: Sperm competition and the yellow dungfly. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1813). Abstract.
Matsumura K, Abe MS, Sharma MD, Hosken DJ, Yoshii T, Miyatake T (2020). Genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity in circadian rhythms in an armed beetle, Gnatocerus cornutus (Tenebrionidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 130(1), 34-40. Abstract.
Theobald E, Hosken DJ, Foster P, Moyes K (2020). Mines and bats: the impact of open-pit mining on bat activity. ACTA CHIROPTEROLOGICA, 22(1), 157-166.  Author URL.
Archer CR, Carey MR, Noda T, Store SJ, Hosken DJ (2020). Offspring sex ratios are stable across the life course in Drosophila simulans. J Evol Biol, 33(11), 1606-1613. Abstract.  Author URL.
Singh KS, Hosken DJ, Wedell N, ffrench-Constant R, Bass C, Baxter S, Paszkiewicz K, Sharma MD (2019). <i>De novo</i> genome assembly of the meadow brown butterfly, <i>Maniola jurtina</i>. Abstract.
Richardson SM, Lintott PR, Hosken DJ, Mathews F (2019). An evidence-based approach to specifying survey effort in ecological assessments of bat activity. Biological Conservation, 231, 98-102. Abstract.
Matsumura K, Archer CR, Hosken DJ, Miyatake T (2019). Artificial selection on walking distance suggests a mobility-sperm competitiveness trade-off. Behavioral Ecology, 30(6), 1522-1529. Abstract.
Tourmente M, Archer CR, Hosken DJ (2019). Complex interactions between sperm viability and female fertility. Sci Rep, 9(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Okada K, Okada Y, Dall SRX, Hosken DJ (2019). Loser-effect duration evolves independently of fighting ability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286(1903), 20190582-20190582.
House CM, Rapkin J, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2019). Operational sex ratio and density predict the potential for sexual selection in the broad-horned beetle. Animal Behaviour, 152, 63-69. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, Archer CR, Mank JE (2019). Sexual conflict. Current Biology, 29(11), R451-R455. Abstract.
Hawkes MF, Duffy E, Joag R, Skeats A, Radwan J, Wedell N, Sharma MD, Hosken DJ, Troscianko J (2019). Sexual selection drives the evolution of male wing interference patterns. Proc Biol Sci, 286(1903). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Wilson A (2019). The problem of measuring trait-preference correlations without disrupting them. Behavioral Ecology, 30(6), 1518-1521.
Duffy E, Archer CR, Sharma MD, Prus M, Joag RA, Radwan J, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2019). Wolbachia infection can bias estimates of intralocus sexual conflict. Ecology and Evolution, 9(1), 328-338. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, Hodgson D, Buss D (2018). Beware the F-test (or, how to compare variances). Animal Behaviour, 136, 119-126.
Hosken DJ, Archer R, House C, Wedell N (2018). Penis evolution across species: divergence and diversity. Nature Reviews Urology
Hosken DJ, Sutter A, Barton S, Dev M, Basellini U, Archer R (2018). Senescent declines in elite tennis players are similar across the sexes. Behavioral Ecology
Maraqa MS, Griffin R, Sharma MD, Wilson AJ, Hunt J, Hosken DJ, House CM (2017). Constrained evolution of the sex comb in Drosophila simulans. J Evol Biol, 30(2), 388-400. Abstract.  Author URL.
Baxter SW, Hoffman JI, Tregenza T, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2017). EB Ford revisited: assessing the long-term stability of wing-spot patterns and population genetic structure of the meadow brown butterfly on the Isles of Scilly. Heredity (Edinb), 118(4), 322-329. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wedell N, Rostant W, Bowyer J, Coupland J, Facey J, Hosken DJ (2017). Pleiotropic effects of DDT resistance on male size and behaviour. Behavior Genetics, 47, 449-458.
Archer CR, Stephens RM, Sharma MD, Hosken DJ (2017). The Drosophila simulans Y chromosome interacts with the autosomes to influence male fitness. J Evol Biol, 30(10), 1821-1825. Abstract.  Author URL.
Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2017). Three billion years of research and development. NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 1
Lintott PR, Richardson SM, Hosken DJ, Fensome SA, Mathews F (2016). Ecological impact assessments fail to reduce risk of bat casualties at wind farms. Curr Biol, 26(21), R1135-R1136. Abstract.  Author URL.
Archer CR, Hosken DJ (2016). Evolution: Escaping the Inevitability of Ageing. Current Biology, 26(5), R202-R204. Abstract.
Perry JC, Joag R, Hosken DJ, Wedell N, Radwan J, Wigby S (2016). Experimental evolution under hyper-promiscuity in Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Evol Biol, 16(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sharma MD, Wilson AJ, Hosken DJ (2016). Fisher's sons' effect in sexual selection: absent, intermittent or just low experimental power?. J Evol Biol, 29(12), 2464-2470. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hawkes MF, Gamble CE, Turner ECR, Carey MR, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2016). Intralocus sexual conflict and insecticide resistance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1843). Abstract.
House CM, Jensen K, Rapkin J, Lane S, Okada K, Hosken DJ, Hunt J (2016). Macronutrient balance mediates the growth of sexually selected weapons but not genitalia in male broad-horned beetles. Functional Ecology, 30(5), 769-779. Abstract.
Campbell AL, Levitan DR, Hosken DJ, Lewis C (2016). Ocean acidification changes the male fitness landscape. Sci Rep, 6 Abstract.  Author URL.
Archer CR, Hosken DJ (2016). Peacock flies. Current Biology, 26(21), R1124-R1126. Abstract.
House CM, Sharma MD, Okada K, Hosken DJ (2016). Pre and Post-copulatory Selection Favor Similar Genital Phenotypes in the Male Broad Horned Beetle. Integr Comp Biol, 56(4), 682-693. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Alonzo SH, Wedell N (2016). Why aren’t signals of female quality more common?. Animal Behaviour, 114, 199-201.
Brown AR, Owen SF, Peters J, Zhang Y, Soffker M, Paull GC, Hosken DJ, Wahab MA, Tyler CR (2015). Climate change and pollution speed declines in zebrafish populations. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 112(11), E1237-E1246. Abstract.  Author URL.
Okada K, Archer CR, Katsuki M, Suzaki Y, Sharma MD, House CM, Hosken DJ (2015). Polyandry and fitness in female horned flour beetles, Gnatocerus cornutus. Animal Behaviour, 106, 11-16. Abstract.
Moussy C, Atterby H, Griffiths AGF, Allnutt TR, Mathews F, Smith GC, Aegerter JN, Bearhop S, Hosken DJ (2015). Population genetic structure of serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus) across Europe and implications for the potential spread of bat rabies (European bat lyssavirus EBLV-1). Heredity (Edinb), 115(1), 83-92. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hodgson D, McDonald JL, Hosken DJ (2015). Resilience is Complicated, but Comparable: a Reply to Yeung and Richardson. Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Archer CR, Duffy E, Hosken DJ, Mokkonen M, Okada K, Oku K, Sharma MD, Hunt J (2015). Sex-specific effects of natural and sexual selection on the evolution of life span and ageing in Drosophila simulans. Functional Ecology, 29(4), 562-569. Abstract.
Rostant WG, Kay C, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2015). Sexual conflict maintains variation at an insecticide resistance locus. BMC Biol, 13 Abstract.  Author URL.
Hodgson D, McDonald JL, Hosken DJ (2015). What do you mean, 'resilient'?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution Abstract.
Mank JE, Hosken DJ, Wedell N (2014). Conflict on the sex chromosomes: cause, effect, and complexity. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 6(12). Abstract.  Author URL.
Ingleby FC, Hosken DJ, Flowers K, Hawkes MF, Lane SM, Rapkin J, House CM, Sharma MD, Hunt J (2014). Environmental heterogeneity, multivariate sexual selection and genetic constraints on cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila simulans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27(4), 700-713. Abstract.
Duffy E, Joag R, Radwan J, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2014). Inbreeding alters intersexual fitness correlations in <i>Drosophila simulans</i>. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION, 4(17), 3330-3338.  Author URL.
Edward DA, Stockley P, Hosken DJ (2014). Sexual conflict and sperm competition. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol, 7(4). Abstract.  Author URL.
Okada K, Katsuki M, Sharma MD, House CM, Hosken DJ (2014). Sexual conflict over mating in Gnatocerus cornutus? Females prefer lovers not fighters. Proc Biol Sci, 281(1785). Abstract.  Author URL.
Hodgson DJ, Hosken DJ (2014). Ultimate and proximate functions of sperm RNA: a reply to Holman and Price. Trends Ecol Evol, 29(12).  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Hodgson DJ (2014). Why do sperm carry RNA? Relatedness, conflict, and control. Trends Ecol Evol, 29(8), 451-455. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ingleby FC, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2013). Genotype-by-Environment Interactions for Female Mate Choice of Male Cuticular Hydrocarbons in Drosophila simulans. PLoS ONE, 8(6). Abstract.
Ingleby FC, Hosken DJ, Flowers K, Hawkes MF, Lane SM, Rapkin J, Dworkin I, Hunt J (2013). Genotype-by-environment interactions for cuticular hydrocarbon expression in Drosophila simulans. J Evol Biol, 26(1), 94-107. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ingleby FC, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2013). Heritability of male attractiveness persists despite evidence for unreliable sexual signals in Drosophila simulans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26(2), 311-324. Abstract.
Ala-Honkola O, Hosken DJ, Manier MK, Lüpold S, Droge-Young EM, Berben KS, Collins WF, Belote JM, Pitnick S (2013). Inbreeding reveals mode of past selection on male reproductive characters in Drosophila melanogaster. Ecol Evol, 3(7), 2089-2102. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bickley LK, Brown AR, Hosken DJ, Hamilton PB, Le Page G, Paull GC, Owen SF, Tyler CR (2013). Interactive effects of inbreeding and endocrine disruption on reproduction in a model laboratory fish. Evolutionary Applications, 6(2), 279-289. Abstract.
Moussy C, Hosken DJ, Mathews F, Smith GC, Aegerter JN, Bearhop S (2013). Migration and dispersal patterns of bats and their influence on genetic structure. Mammal Review, 43, 183-195.
Sharma MD, Minder AM, Hosken DJ (2013). No association between sperm competition and sperm length variation across dung flies (Scathophagidae). J Evol Biol, 26(11), 2341-2349. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mank JE, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2013). Polyandry and sex-specific gene expression. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 368(1613). Abstract.
House CM, Lewis Z, Hodgson DJ, Wedell N, Sharma MD, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2013). Sexual and natural selection both influence male genital evolution. PLoS One, 8(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Sharma MD, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2012). Antagonistic responses to natural and sexual selection and the sex-specific evolution of cuticular hydrocarbons in Drosophila simulans. Evolution, 66(3), 665-677. Abstract.  Author URL.
Price TA, Hosken DJ (2012). Evolution: why good dads win. Curr Biol, 22(4), R135-R137. Abstract.  Author URL.
Katsuki M, Harano T, Miyatake T, Okada K, Hosken DJ (2012). Intralocus sexual conflict and offspring sex ratio. Ecology Letters, 15(3), 193-197. Abstract.
Katsuki M, Harano T, Miyatake T, Okada K, Hosken DJ (2012). Intralocus sexual conflict and offspring sex ratio. Ecol Lett, 15(3), 193-197. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ (2012). Rationality: Evidence must prevail. Nature, 489(7417).  Author URL.
Sharma MD, Griffin RM, Hollis J, Tregenza T, Hosken DJ (2012). Reinvestigating good genes benefits of mate choice in Drosophila simulans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(2), 295-306. Abstract.
Smith DT, Sirot LK, Wolfner MF, Hosken DJ, Wedell N (2012). The consequences of genetic variation in sex peptide expression levels for egg laying and retention in females. Heredity, 109(4), 222-225. Abstract.
Sharma MD, Mitchell C, Hunt J, Tregenza T, Hosken DJ (2012). The genetics of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in the fruit fly Drosophila simulans. J Hered, 103(2), 230-239. Abstract.  Author URL.
Rostant WG, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2012). Transposable elements and insecticide resistance. Adv Genet, 78, 169-201. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AR, Bickley LK, Le Page G, Hosken DJ, Paull GC, Hamilton PB, Owen SF, Robinson J, Sharpe AD, Tyler CR, et al (2011). Are toxicological responses in laboratory (inbred) zebrafish representative of those in outbred (wild) populations? - a case study with an endocrine disrupting chemical. Environ Sci Technol, 45(9), 4166-4172. Abstract.  Author URL.
Smith DT, Hosken DJ, Rostant WG, Yeo M, Griffin RM, Bretman A, Price TAR, Ffrench-Constant RH, Wedell N (2011). DDT resistance, epistasis and male fitness in flies. J Evol Biol, 24(6), 1351-1362. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bambini L, Kofoky AF, Mbohoahy T, Ralisata M, Manjoazy T, Hosken DJ, Jenkins RKB (2011). Do bats need trees? habitat use of two malagasy hipposiderid bats triaenops furculus and T. menamena in the dry Southwest. Hystrix, 22(1), 81-92. Abstract.
Hosken DJ (2011). Gene duplication might not resolve intralocus sexual conflict. Trends Ecol Evol, 26(11), 556-557.  Author URL.
Okada K, Pitchers WR, Sharma MD, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2011). Longevity, calling effort, and metabolic rate in two populations of cricket. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(9), 1773-1778. Abstract.
Okada K, Blount JD, Sharma MD, Snook RR, Hosken DJ (2011). Male attractiveness, fertility and susceptibility to oxidative stress are influenced by inbreeding in Drosophila simulans. J Evol Biol, 24(2), 363-371. Abstract.  Author URL.
Sinclair BJ, Bretman A, Tregenza T, Tomkins JL, Hosken DJ (2011). Metabolic rate does not decrease with starvation in Gryllus bimaculatus when changing fuel use is taken into account. Physiological Entomology, 36(1), 84-89. Abstract.
Sharma MD, Tregenza T, Hosken DJ (2011). Sex combs, allometry, and asymmetry in Drosophila. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 103(4), 923-934. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, House CM (2011). Sexual selection. Curr Biol, 21(2), R62-R65. Abstract.  Author URL.
Mank JE, Hosken DJ, Wedell N (2011). Some inconvenient truths about sex chromosome dosage compensation and the potential role of sexual conflict. Evolution, 65(8), 2133-2144. Abstract.  Author URL.
Snook RR, Hosken DJ, Karr TL (2011). The biology and evolution of polyspermy: insights from cellular and functional studies of sperm and centrosomal behavior in the fertilized egg. Reproduction, 142(6), 779-792. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gay L, Hosken DJ, Eady P, Vasudev R, Tregenza T (2011). The evolution of harm--effect of sexual conflicts and population size. Evolution, 65(3), 725-737. Abstract.  Author URL.
Gay L, Brown E, Tregenza T, Pincheira-Donoso D, Eady PE, Vasudev R, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2011). The genetic architecture of sexual conflict: male harm and female resistance in Callosobruchus maculatus. J Evol Biol, 24(2), 449-456. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor ML, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2010). Attractive males do not sire superior daughters. Evolutionary Ecology, 24(1), 195-205. Abstract.
Sharma MD, Tregenza T, Hosken DJ (2010). Female mate preferences in Drosophila simulans: evolution and costs. J Evol Biol, 23(8), 1672-1679. Abstract.  Author URL.
Arnqvist G, Dowling DK, Eady P, Gay L, Tregenza T, Tuda M, Hosken DJ (2010). Genetic architecture of metabolic rate: environment specific epistasis between mitochondrial and nuclear genes in an insect. Evolution, 64(12), 3354-3363. Abstract.  Author URL.
Narraway C, Hunt J, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2010). Genotype by envirnment interactions for female preference. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 23, 2550-2557.
Harano T, Okada K, Nakayama S, Miyatake T, Hosken DJ (2010). Intralocus sexual conflict unresolved by sex-limited trait expression. Curr Biol, 20(22), 2036-2039. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown EA, Gay L, Vasudev R, Tregenza T, Eady PE, Hosken DJ (2010). Negative phenotypic and genetic associations between copulation duration and longevity in male seed beetles (vol 103, pg 340, 2009). HEREDITY, 105(6), 576-576.  Author URL.
Dobler R, Hosken DJ (2010). Response to selection and realized heritability of sperm length in the yellow dung fly (Scathophaga stercoraria). Heredity (Edinb), 104(1), 61-66. Abstract.  Author URL.
Punzalan D, Hosken DJ (2010). Sexual dimorphism: why the sexes are (and are not) different. Curr Biol, 20(22), R972-R973. Abstract.  Author URL.
Okada K, Hosken DJ (2010). Sperm competition: discrimination isn't always bad. Curr Biol, 20(10), R444-R446. Abstract.  Author URL.
Ingleby FC, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2010). The role of genotype-by-environment interactions in sexual selection. J Evol Biol, 23(10), 2031-2045. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Kunz TH (2009). But is it male lactation or not?. Trends Ecol Evol, 24(7), 355-355.
Gay L, Eady PE, Vasudev R, Hosken DJ, Tregenza T (2009). Costly sexual harassment in a beetle. Physiological Entomology, 34(1), 86-92. Abstract.
Gay L, Eady PE, Vasudev R, Hosken DJ, Tregenza T (2009). Does reproductive isolation evolve faster in larger populations via sexually antagonistic coevolution?. Biol Lett, 5(5), 693-696. Abstract.  Author URL.
Brown AR, Hosken DJ, Balloux F, Bickley LK, LePage G, Owen SF, Hetheridge MJ, Tyler CR (2009). Genetic variation, inbreeding and chemical exposure--combined effects in wildlife and critical considerations for ecotoxicology. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 364(1534), 3377-3390. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Price TAR (2009). Genital evolution: the traumas of sex. Curr Biol, 19(13), R519-R521. Abstract.  Author URL.
Martin OY, Hosken DJ (2009). Longevity and developmental stability in the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea, as affected by the ectoparasitic mite, Pediculoides mesembrinae. J Insect Sci, 9, 1-9. Abstract.  Author URL.
Kunz TH, Hosken DJ (2009). Male lactation: why, why not and is it care?. Trends Ecol Evol, 24(2), 80-85. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Stockley P, Tregenza T, Wedell N (2009). Monogamy and the battle of the sexes. Annu Rev Entomol, 54, 361-378. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ (2009). More acclaim for Darwin's theory of sexual selection. Nature, 458(7240).  Author URL.
Brown EA, Gay L, Vasudev R, Tregenza T, Eady PE, Hosken DJ (2009). Negative phenotypic and genetic associations between copulation duration and longevity in male seed beetles. Heredity (Edinb), 103(4), 340-345. Abstract.  Author URL.
Higgins SL, Hosken DJ, Wedell N (2009). Phenotypic and genetic variation in male genitalia in the seedbug, Lygaeus equestris (Heteroptera). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 98(2), 400-405. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, Martin OY, Wigby S, Chapman T, Hodgson DJ (2009). Sexual conflict and reproductive isolation in flies. Biol Lett, 5(5), 697-699. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor ML, Sharma MD, Hosken DJ (2009). Sexual selection in flies: a comparison of Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster. Animal Biology, 59(4), 391-402. Abstract.
Gay L, Hosken DJ, Vasudev R, Tregenza T, Eady PE (2009). Sperm competition and maternal effects differentially influence testis and sperm size in Callosobruchus maculatus. J Evol Biol, 22(5), 1143-1150. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pitnick S, Dobler R, Hosken DJ (2009). Sperm length is not influenced by haploid gene expression in the flies Drosophila melanogaster and Scathophaga stercoraria. Proc Biol Sci, 276(1675), 4029-4034. Abstract.  Author URL.
Pitnick S, Hosken DJ, Birkhead TR (2009). Sperm morphological diversity. , 69-149. Abstract.
Lessells CM, Snook RR, Hosken DJ (2009). The evolutionary origin and maintenance of sperm: Selection for a small, motile gamete mating type. , 43-67. Abstract.
Smith DT, Hosken DJ, Ffrench-Constant RH, Wedell N (2009). Variation in sex peptide expression in D. melanogaster. Genet Res (Camb), 91(4), 237-242. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken DJ, Taylor ML, Hoyle K, Higgins S, Wedell N (2008). Attractive males have greater success in sperm competition. Current Biology, 18(13). Abstract.
Hosken DJ (2008). Clitoral variation says nothing about female orgasm. Evolution and Development, 10(4), 393-395.
Wright, L, Tregenza, T. Hosken, D.J. (2008). Inbreeding, inbreeding depression and extinction. Conservation Genetics, 9, 833-843.
Demont M, Blanckenhorn WU, Hosken DJ, Garner TWJ (2008). Molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation across Europe in yellow dung flies. J Evol Biol, 21(6), 1492-1503. Abstract.  Author URL.
Taylor ML, Wigmore C, Hodgson DJ, Wedell N, Hosken DJ (2008). Multiple mating increases female fitness in Drosophila simulans. Animal Behaviour, 76(3), 963-970. Abstract.
Taylor ML, Wedell, N. Hosken, D.J. (2008). Sexual selection and female fitness in <em>Drosophila simulans</em>. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 62, 721-728.
Hosken, D.J. (2007). Evolution: good males are bad females. Current Biology, 17, R168-R170.
House, CM, Hunt, J. Hosken, D.J. (2007). Evolution: lending a helping hand in sperm competition?. Current Biology, R90-R92.
Teuschl Y, Hosken, D.J. Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2007). Is reduced female survival after mating a by-product of male-male competition in the dung fly <em>Sepsis cynipsea</em>?. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 7
Champion de Crespigny, F.E. & Hosken, D.J. (2007). Sexual selection: signals to die for. Current Biology, R853-R855.
Taylor, M, Wedell, N. Hosken, D.J. (2007). The heritability of attractiveness. Current Biology, 17, R959-R960.
Hosken, DJ, Tregenza, T. (2006). Evolution; Inbreeding, Multiple mating and Embryonic Aid. Current Biology, 16(6), R202-R203.
Lessells CM, Bennett ATD, Birkhead TR, Colegrave N, Dall SRX, Harvey P, Hatchwell B, Hosken DJ, et al (2006). Nothing new under the sun: social selection is part of sexual selection theory. Science, 311, 689-690.
Pizzari T, Birkhead, T.R. Blows, M.W. Brooks, R. Buchanan KL, Clutton-Brock TL, Harvey P, Hosken DJ, et al (2006). Reproductive behaviour: sexual selection remains the best explanation. Science, 311
Dall, SRX, McNamara, J.M. Wedell, N. Hosken, D.J. (2006). Sexual selection cannot be replaced by cooperative game theory (and it doesn't need replacing). Science, 311
Hodgson, DJ, Hosken, D.J. (2006). Sperm competition promotes the exploitation of rival ejaculates. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 243, 230-234.
Minder, A.M. Hosken DJ, Ward, P.I. (2005). Co-evolution of male and female reproductive characters across the <em>Scathophagidae</em>. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18, 60-69.
Hosken DJ, Tregenza T (2005). Evolution: do bad husbands make good fathers?. Curr Biol, 15(20), R836-R838. Abstract.  Author URL.
Hosken D, Snook, R. (2005). How Important is Sexual Conflict?. American Naturalist, 165, S1-S4.
Minder, A.M. Ward, P.I. Hosken, DJ (2005). Male genital allometry in <em>Scathophagidae</em> (<em>Diptera</em>). Evolutionary Ecology, 19, 501-515.
Hosken, D.J. Tregenza, T (2005). Mate choice; Been there, done that. Current Biology, 15(23), R959-R961.
Schwartzenbach G, Hosken, D.J. Ward, P.I. (2005). Sex and immunity in the yellow dung fly <em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em>. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18, 455-463.
Hosken, DJ, Stockley, P. (2005). Sexual Conflict. Current Biology, 15(14), R335-R336.
Tregenza, T. Hosken DJ (2005). Sexual selection: Do bad husbands make good fathers?. Current Biology, 15(20), R836-R838.
Hosken, D.J. (2005). Would you accept advice from a believer in santa?. Nature, 433
Lupold S, McElligott, A.G. Hosken, D.J. (2004). Bat genitalia; allometry, variation and good genes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 83, 497-507.
Martin, OY, Hosken, D.J. (2004). Copulation reduces male but not female longevity in <em>Saltella sphondylli</em> (<em>Diptera; Sepsidae</em>). Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 17, 357-362.
Blanckenhorn WU, Hellriegel, B. Hosken, D.J. Jann, P. Altweg R, Ward PI (2004). Does testis size track expected mating success in yellow dung flies?. Functional Ecology, 18, 414-418.
Garner TWJ, Pearman, P.B. Gregory's, P.T. Tomio, G. Wischiowski SG, Hosken DJ (2004). Microsatellite markers developed from <em>Thamnophis elegans</em> and <em>Thamnophis sirtalis</em> and their utility in three species of garter snakes. Molecular Ecology Notes
Martin OY, Ward, P.I. Hosken DJ (2004). Post-copulatory sexual selection and female fitness in <em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em>. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 271, 353-359.
Hosken DJ, Martin OY (2004). Reproductive consequences of population divergence through sexual conflict. Current Biology, 14(10), 906-910.
Hosken DJ, Stockley, P. (2004). Sexual selection and genital evolution. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 19, 87-93.
Hosken DJ, Snook RR (2004). Sperm death & dumping in Drosophila. Nature, 428(6986), 939-941.
Hosken DJ, Garner, T.W.J. Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2003). Asymmetry, testis and sperm size in yellow dung flies. , 17, 231-236.
Hosken DJ, Stockley, P. (2003). Benefits of polyandry; a life history perspective. Evolutionary Biology, 33, 173-194.
Martin OY, Hosken, D.J. (2003). Costs and benefits of evolving under experimentally enforced polyandry or monogamy. Evolution, 57, 2765-2772.
Hosken DJ, Pitnick, S. (2003). Do queens select sperm?. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 18
Hosken DJ, Pitnick S (2003). Do queens select sperm? [1] (multiple letters). Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 18(3), 107-108.
Hosken, D.J. Blanckenhorn WU (2003). Heritability of three condition surrogates in the yellow dung fly. Behavioral Ecology, 14(5), 612-618.
Martin OY, Leugger, R.R. Zeltner, N. Hosken, D.J. (2003). Male age, mating probability and mating costs in the fly <em>Sepsis cynipsea</em>. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 5, 119-129.
Tregenza T, Hosken DJ, Ward PI, Wedell N (2003). Maternal effects on offspring depend on female mating pattern and offspring environment in yellow dung flies. Evolution, 57(2), 297-304.
Martin, O.Y. Born, J. Huber, F. Hosken DJ (2003). Sexual conflict in <em>Sepsis cynipsea</em>: female reluctance, fertility and mate choice. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 16, 485-490.
Hosken, D.J. (2003). Sperm Biology; Size indeed matters. Current Biology, 13, R355-R356.
Oppliger A, Naciri-Griven, Y. Ribi, G. Hosken, D.J. (2003). Sperm length influences fertilization success during sperm competition in the snail <em>Viviparus ater</em>. Molecular Ecology, 12, 485-492.
Hosken DJ, Garner, T.W.J. Tregenza, T. Wedell N, Ward PI (2003). Superior sperm competitors sire higher quality young. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 270, 1933-1938.
Hosken DJ, Martin OY (2003). The evolution of reproductive isolation through sexual conflict. Nature, 423(6943), 979-982.
Martin OY, Hosken, D.J. (2002). Asymmetry and fitness in female yellow dung flies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 76, 557-563.
Hosken, D.J. (2002). Culture gap; Physics still seeks its unifying theory. Nature, 419
Hosken DJ, Jones KE, Chipperfield K, Dixson A (2002). Erratum: is the bat os penis sexually selected? (Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2001) 50 (450-460)). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 51(3), 302-307.
Hosken DJ, Blanckenhorn, W.U. Garner, T.W.J. (2002). Heteropopulation males have a fertilization advantage during sperm competition in the yellow dung fly (<em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em>). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 269, 1701-1707.
Hosken DJ, Jones KE, Chipperfield K, Dixson A (2002). Is the bat os penis sexually selected? (vol 50, pg 450, 2001). BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY, 51(3), 302-307.  Author URL.
Blanckenhoooorn WU, Ding, A. Ward, P.I. Meile, P. Martin OY, Hosken DJ (2002). Mating with a large male yellow dung fly: cost or benefit in terms of clutch size?. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 4, 1201-1207.
Ward PI, Wedell, N. Hosken, D.J. Tregenza T (2002). Measuring the sperm competition successes of field males of the yellow dung fly. Ecological Entomology, 27, 763-765.
Martin OY, Hosken, D.J. (2002). Strategic ejaculation in the common dung fly <em>Sepsis cynipsea</em>. Animal Behaviour, 63, 541-546.
Hosken DJ, Uhia, E. Ward, P.I. (2002). The function of female accessory reproductive gland secretion and a cost to polyandry in the yellow dung fly. Physiological Entomology, 27, 87-91.
Hosken DJ, Balloux, F. (2002). Thirty years of evolution in Darwin's finches. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 17(10), 447-448.
Hosken DJ, Ward, P.I. (2001). Experimental evidence for testis size evolution via sperm competition. Ecology Letters, 4, 10-13.
Hosken, D.J. (2001). Hidden change; cryptic evolution in flycatchers. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 16(11).
Hosken DJ, Jones, K.E. Chipperfield, K. Dixson, A. (2001). Is the bat os penis sexually selected?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 50, 450-460.
Hosken, D.J. (2001). Sex and death microevolutionary trade-offs between reproductive and immune investment in dung flies. Current Biology, 11(10), R379-R380.
Hosken DJ, Garner TWJ, Ward PI (2001). Sexual conflict selects for male and female reproductive characters. Current Biology, 11(7), 489-493.
Hosken, D.J. (2001). Size and fluctuating asymmetry in sexually selective traits. Animal Behaviour, 62, 603-605.
Hosken DJ, O'Shea, J.E. (2001). Sperm production and immune function in two Australian bats, <em>Chalinolobus morio</em> and <em>Nyctophilus geoffroyi</em>. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 13, 173-180.
Hosken DJ, Ward, P.I. (2000). Copula in yellow dung flies (<em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em>):\r investigating sperm competition models by histological observation. Journal of Insect Physiology, 46, 1355-1363.
Hosken DJ, Blanckenhorn, W.U. Ward, P.I. (2000). Developmental stability in yellow dung flies (<em>scathophaga stercoraria</em>); fluctuating asymmetry heterzygosity and environmental stresses. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 13, 919-926.
Garner TWJ, Brinkmann, H. Gerlach, G. Meyer, A. Ward PI, Sporri M, Hosken DJ (2000). Polymorphic DNA microsatellites identified in the yellow dung fly (<em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em>). Molecular Ecology, 9, 2207-2208.
Hosken, D.J. Martin, O.Y. Reim, C. (2000). The cost of copulating in the dung fly <em>Sepsis cynipsea</em>. Behavioral Ecology, 13(3), 353-358.
Hosken DJ, Ward, P.I. (1999). Female accessory reproductive gland activity in the yellow dung fly <em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em> (L.). Journal of Insect Physiology, 45, 800-814.
Hosken DJ, Blanckenhorn, W.U. (1999). Female, multiple mating, inbreeding avoidance,and fitness; it is not only the magnitude of costs and benefits that counts. Behavioral Ecology, 10(4), 462-464.
Hosken DJ, Meyer, E.P. Ward, O.I. (1999). Internel female reproductive anatomy and genetal interactions during copula in the yellow dung fly, <em>Scathophaga stercoraria</em> (<em>Diptera; scathophagidar</em>). Canadian Journal of Zoology, 77, 1975-1983.
Hosken DJ, Withers, P.C. (1999). Metabolic Physiology of Euthermic and Torpid Lesser Long-Eared Bats, <em>Nyctophilus geoffroyi</em> (<em>Chiroptera; vesperitlionidae</em>). Journal of Mammalogy, 80(1), 42-52.
Hosken, D.J. (1999). Sperm displacement in yellow dung flies;a role for females. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 14, 251-252.
Oppliger A, Hosken, D.J. Ribi, G. (1998). Snail sperm production characteristics vary\r with sperm competition risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 265, 1527-1534.
Hosken DJ, Stockley, P. (1998). Sperm counts. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 13, 91-92.
Hosken, D.J. (1998). Sperm fertility and skewed paternity during sperm competition in the Australian long-eared bat <em>Nyctophilus geoffroyi</em> (<em>Chiroptera; vespertilionidae</em>). Journal of Zoology (London), 245, 93-100.
Hosken, D.J. (1998). Testes mass in megachiropteran bats varies in acccordance with sperm competition theory. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 44, 169-177.
Hosken DJ, Blackberry, M.A. Stewart, T.B. Stucki, A.F. (1998). The male reproductive cycle of three species of Austalian verpertilionid bat. Journal of Zoology (London), 245, 261-270.
Hosken DJ (1997). Erratum: Sperm competition in bats (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (1997) March, 264 (385-392)). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 264(1389).
Hosken, D.J. (1997). Reproduction and the female reproductive cycle of <em>Nyctophilus geoffroyi</em> and <em>N. major</em> from south-western Australia. Australian Journal of Zoology, 45, 489-504.
Hosken, D.J. (1997). Seasonal changes in testis mass and epididymal volume in the greater long-eared bat, <em>Nyctophilus timoriensis</em> (<em>major</em>), from the goldfields region of Western Australia. Australian Mammology, 20, 121-122.
Hosken, D.J. (1997). Sperm competition in bats. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 264, 385-392.
Hosken DJ, Withers, P.C. (1997). Temperature regulation and metabolism of an Australian bat, <em>Chalinolobus gouldii</em> (<em>Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae</em>) when euthermic and torpid. Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 167, 71-80.
Hosken, D.J. (1997). Thermal biology and metabolism of the greater long-eared bat, <em>Nyctophilus major</em> (<em>timoriensis</em>) (<em>Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae</em>). Australian Journal of Zoology, 45, 145-156.
Hosken DJ, O'Shea, J.E. Blackberry, M.A. (1996). Blood plasma concentrations of progesterone, sperm storage and sperm viability and fertility in Gould's wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). Journal of Reproductive Fertility, 108, 171-177.
Hosken, D.J. (1996). Roost selection by the lesser long-eared bat, <em>Nyctophilus geoffroyi</em>, and greater long-eared bat, <em>N. major</em>, (<em>Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae</em>) in Banksia woodlands. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 79, 211-216.
Hosken DJ, Bailey, W.J. O'Shea, J.E. Roberts, J.D. (1994). Localisation of insect calls by the bat <em>Nyctophilus geoffroyi</em> (<em>Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae</em>): a laboratory study. Australian Journal of Zoology, 42, 177-184.
Simmons LW, Llorens, T. Schinzig, M. Hosken D, Craig M (1994). Sperm competition selects for male mate choice and protandry in the bushcricket, <em>Requena verticalis</em> (<em>Orthoptera;Tettigoniidae</em>). Animal Behaviour, 47, 117-122.
Simmons LW, Craig, M. Llorens, T. Schinzig, M. Hosken D (1993). Buschcricket Spermatophores vary in accord with Sperm Competition and parental investment theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 251(1332), 183-186.


Hosken DJ, Bretman A, Goodwin SF, Archer CR (2019). Genes and environments in Drosophila sex. In  (Ed) Genes and Behaviour: Beyond Nature-Nurture, 111-129. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, Hunt J, Wedell N (2019). Nature, nurture, and nature-by-nurture - Killing the dichotomy. In  (Ed) Genes and Behaviour: Beyond Nature-Nurture, 1-9. Abstract.
Wedell N, Hunt J, Hosken DJ (2019). Nature-nurture in the twenty-first century. In  (Ed) Genes and Behaviour: Beyond Nature-Nurture, 245-251. Abstract.
Hosken DJ, Hunt J (2014). Conclusions and Final Thoughts. In  (Ed) Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection, 331-334.
Ingleby FC, Hosken DJ, Hunt J (2014). Sexual Selection and Genotype-by-Environment Interactions in Drosophila Cuticular Hydrocarbons. In  (Ed) Genotype-by-Environment Interactions and Sexual Selection, 265-281. Abstract.
Lessells CM, Snook RR, Hosken DJ (2009). 2 the evolutionary origin and maintenance of sperm selection for a small, motile gamete mating type. In  (Ed) Sperm Biology, Elsevier, 43-67.
Pitnick S, Hosken DJ, Birkhead TR (2009). 3 Sperm morphological diversity. In  (Ed) Sperm Biology, Elsevier, 69-149.
Pitnick S, Hosken DJ, Birkhead TR (2008). Sperm morphological diversity. In  (Ed) Sperm Biology: an Evolutionary Perspective, 69-149. Abstract.
Lessells CM, Snook RR, Hosken DJ (2008). The evolutionary origin and maintenance of sperm: Selection for a small, motile gamete mating type. In  (Ed) Sperm Biology: an Evolutionary Perspective, 43-67. Abstract.

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Awards/Honorary fellowships

President, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (2020-2024)

Leverhulme Reseach Fellowship (2015/16)

Zoological Society of London, Scientific Medal (2013) (winners announced)

Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (1999)

Janice Klummp Award (1994)

Aubery Nicholls Prize (1992)

Committee/panel activities

2020-2024. President, ASAB.

2018-2021. Research Excellence Framework (REF) Sub-panel Committee (Panel 5 Committee A).

2018-2020. Zoological Society of London Scientific Awards Committee.

2016-2019. ESF College of Expert Reviewers.

2014-17. NERC Core Panel Member.

2012-2014. NERC Peer Review College

2012. College of Reviewers Canada Research Chairs.

2011/12. Evaluator Romanian National Council for Research and Development

2011-15. The Royal Society, International Exchanges Scheme.

2011. The Royal Society, International Travel Grants Committee.

2009-13. Genetics Society Committee.

2008-11. NERC Peer Review College.

2010. External Assessor of Staff, Institute of Zoology, London.

2010. Professorial Promotion Assessor, University of Toronto.

2008. External Assessor of Programmes for the Foundation for Polish Science.

2007. External Assessor of Staff for the Smithsonian Tropical Research Centre.

Editorial responsibilities

2015-present, Editorial Board, Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology

2008-present, Editorial Board, Journal of Ethology.

2010-2020. Associate Editor, Ecology Letters.

2010-2013. Editor, Genetics Society Newsletter

2009-2011. Associate Editor, Evolutionary Ecology.

2008-2009. Editorial Board PLoSOne

2006-2008. Editor, Animal Behaviour.

2005. Special Issue Editor, The American Naturalist.

2004-2011. Editorial Board, Journal of Evolutionary Biology.

Invited lectures

Plenary-Keynote address

2022: Matt Gage Memorial Symposium, University of Exeter, UK.

2017: Association for the Study of Behaviour Winter Conference, London UK “Drosophila simulans: a pragmatic study in sexual selection”.

2017: 19th European Society of Sexual Medicine, Nice, France, Master Lecture “Sexual selection and penis evolution”.

2013: Biology of Sperm Meeting, University of Sheffield, UK, “Sperm: something old, something new”.

2011: British Andrological Society 2011, University of Birmingham, UK "Sperm and Sperm Competition: Where are we now?"

2009: Association for the Study of Behaviour Summer Conference 2009 - The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex - Oxford, UK, “Sexual selection and sexual conflict”.

2008: 14th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB), Einsiedeln, Switzerland, “Sexual selection and sexual conflict in flies.

2008: Annual Meeting of the Royal Dutch Zoological Society 2008, Amsterdam “Sexual selection in flies”.

2007: ProReTee, Konnevesi, Finland “Sexual selection in flies”.

2007: Centre for Excellence - The young & high demand patient. Zurich, Switzerland, “Why we age”.

2006: 25th Ethological Conference of Japan, Okayama, Japan, "Sexual selection & sexual conflict"


2023: Biology of Sperm Meeting, University of Stockholm, Sweden.

2018: ERIC PGR Conference, University of Exeter, UK.

2008: Paul Ward Memorial Symposium, University of Zürich Switzerland.

2006: Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Conference, Norwich UK.

2003: 9th European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress, Co-Host Sexual Conflict Symposium, Leeds, UK.

2002: Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Sexual Conflict Workshop, Tovetorp, Sweden.

2002: Sperm Competition Workshop, Freiburg, Germany.

2001: 8th European Society for Evolutionary Biology Congress, Aarhus, Denmark.

2001: Swiss Zoological Society, Neuchatel, Switzerland.

1998: 7th International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Monterey, USA.

1998: Swiss Zoological Society, Geneva, Switzerland.


2020: Okayama University, Japan.

2018: Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.

2018: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Lisbon, Portugal.

2018: Department of Zoology, University of Lucknow, India.

2011: Department of Biology, University of Nottingham, UK.

2011: Konrad Lorenz Insitute of Ethology, Vienna, Austria

2009: Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Edinburgh, UK.

2009: Department of Plant & Animal Sciences, Sheffield, UK.

2006: Department of Genetics, Cambridge, UK.

2006: Department of Ecology & Evolution, Uppsala University, Sweden.

2005: Ecology Department, University of Bern, Switzerland.

2005: Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter, Tremough, UK.

2004: Department of Ecology & Environmental Science, Umea University, Sweden.

2004: Biosciences, University of Exeter, UK.

2004: Institute of Environmental Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

2004: Department of Biology, University of Padova, Italy

2003: Experimental Ecology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

2003: Institute for Biology, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany.

2002: Biology Department, Syracuse University, USA.

2002: Department of Biology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.

2001: Freitag Seminar, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

2001: Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany.

2001: Ecology Department, Bern, Switzerland.

2000: Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

1998: NLU, University of Basel, Switzerland.

1998: Evolutionary Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany.

1997: BEES Seminar, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

1996: Zoology Department, University of Western Australia.

1996: Animal Sciences, University of Western Australia.


2017: Science in the Square (Public Engagement Event), Cornwall UK: “Animal Weapons”.

2017: Pernyn Temperance Society, Penryn UK: “Why we age”.

2015: The Science of Christmas, Falmouth UK: “Why people believe things”.

2014: The Science of Christmas, Falmouth UK: “Miraculous birth”.

2013: 17th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB), Falmouth, UK.

2012: The Excellence Awards, Cornwall 2012, University of Exeter, UK .

2011: Science in the Square (Public Engagement Event), Cornwall UK .

2008: Cornish Humanists, Chacewater Village, Cornwall UK.

2007: Café Scientific, Falmouth, Cornwall.

Media Coverage

Sample Media Coverage

Editors Choice. 'Evolution of testis size'. Science 291:1159. (2001)

Dispatch:- Snook R.R. 'Sexual selection: conflict, kindness and chicanery'. Curr Biol11:R337-R341. (2001)

BiomedNet News. J. Clayton. 'Big really is better'. (2001)

Neue Zurcher Zeitung# 176 (2/8/01), Forshung pp. 11:- G. Klaus. 'Das Rennen um die Eizelle'. (Translation: 'The race for the egg').

Tages-Anzeiger(30/5/02), Wissen pp. 44: 'Der unerbittliche Kampf der Geschlechter'. (Translation: 'The relentless battle of the sexes')

News & Views:- Tregenza T. Evolution: 'The battle between the sexes'. Nature 423:929-930. (2003)

Tages-Anzeiger(26/6/03), Wissen pp. 64: 'Der Kampf der Geschlechter'. (Translation: 'The battle of the sexes')

Wissehschaft-online. A. Findeklee. 'Fremde Manner? Nein, danke.' (2003). (Translation: 'Foreign males? No thanks').

ScienceNow. A. Sreenivasan. 'Picky females may drive speciation'. (2003).

Spiegel Online. 'Wahlerische Weibchen schaffen neue Spezies'. (2003). (Translation: 'Choosy females produce new species')

BiomedNet News. H. Nicholls. 'The shape of things to come'. (2003)

BBC4 documentary "The Great Sperm Race" Mon 8 Dec 2003, 21:30 - 22:30

News & Views in Brief:- Whitfield J. Evolutionary Biology: 'Sexual conflict costs'. Nature427:27. (2004)

Dispatch:- Gage M. Evolution: 'Sexual arms races'. Curr Biol14:R378-R380. (2004).

Dispatch:- Pizzari T. Evolution: 'Sperm ejection near and far'. Curr Biol14:R511-R513. (2004).

The Comparative Method (pp. 265-268) In: Evolutionary Analysis (2nd edition), Freeman S. & Herron J.C. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA.

New Scientist. J Pickrell. 'Winners come last in sperm wars' (2006)

The Independent (21/10/06), pp 21: 'Last sperm best for reproduction'.

LiveScience. J. Bryner. 'Successful sex strategy: be last in line'. (2006)

People's Daily Online 'Last guy in line gets a baby'

Fox News 'Study: Last in line sexually often first in fertilization'

Ipswich Evening Star (20/10/06), pp 5: 'Scientists claim: you can't hurry love'.

Western Daily Press (Bristol) (20/10/06), pp 19: 'It's worth the wait'.

Argus Lite (Brighton) (20/10/06), pp 12: 'Last male in the mating line may be the luckiest'.

Press & Journal (Aberdeen) (20/10/06), pp 14: 'Wait pays off'.

Nottingham Evening Post (20/10/06), pp 8: 'Wait-to-mate secret'.

Metro London (20/10/06), pp 29: 'Waiting pays when mating'.

Atlantic FM (20/11/07) Interview re 'Attractive males sire attractive sons'

BBC Radio Cornwall (22/11/07) Interview re 'Attractive males sire attractive sons'

Medical Breakthroughs (Ivanhoe) 'Thanks Dad: attractiveness is heredity'

InTheNews 'In the genes'

eBiologyNews 'Sexy dads produce sexy sons: Research'

The Indian News 'Sexy dads produce sexy sons'

LifeScientist 'Attractiveness is heredity, Dad says'

Softpedia 'Sexy males father sexy sons! - Male attractiveness is heredity'

GeneticArchaeology 'Like father, like son: attractiveness is heredity'

DNA India 'Sexy fathers have sexy sons'

Mumbai News 'Sexy fathers have sexy sons'

CBC News 'Fly dads sire sexy sons'

NERC News 'Like father, like sons attractiveness is hereditary'

Workshops/Conferences organised

Steering Group Biennial Biology of Sperm Meeting (2016 to 2020)

International Society for Behavioral Ecology 2016, Exeter, UK, Meeting Co-organiser.

17th European Meeting of PhD Students in Evolutionary Biology (EMPSEB), 2013, Falmouth, UK.

European Social Fund 2010, Falmouth UK; Meeting Organiser

Royal Entomological Society 2008, Plymouth UK: Symposium Co-organiser.

European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2007, Uppsala, Sweden: Symposium Co-organiser.

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Easter Meeting 2007, Tremough, UK: Organiser Student Workshop.

European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2003, Leeds, UK: Symposium Co-organiser.

International Society for Behavioral Ecology 2000, Zürich, Switzerland: Co-organisation of Poster Sessions.

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I am deeply committed to my teaching and have taught on a large number of programmes and modules in the last 10 years, all of which are related to my research interests.  I current teach via UG Honours and PGT research projects, many of which have been published with the students involved (e.g. Sharma MD, Griffin RM, Hollis J, Tregenza T, Hosken DJ (2012). Reinvestigating good genes benefits of mate choice in Drosophila simulans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106(2), 295-306).  My major teaching currently is via project student and the Evolutionary and Behaviour Ecology MSc (BIOM 4046).

I am also a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.



Information not currently available

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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

Postgraduate researchers

  • Alistair Moyle 'Bat conservation' (with Dr Fiona Matthews)
  • Samuel Oyesiku-Blakemore
  • James Rapkin


  • Laura Bambini
  • Dr Lisa Bickley
  • Dr Ross Brown
  • Isabella Burke
  • Gemma Cole
  • Andrew Collins
  • Dr Ralph Dobler
  • Dr Trenton Garner
  • Dr Laurene Gay
  • Chris Hatcher
  • Dr Sahran Higgins
  • Mark Hill
  • Dr Clarrisa House
  • Dr Fiona Ingleby
  • Dr Masako Katsuki
  • Kristy Kelly
  • Rahel Leugger
  • Dr Zen Lewis
  • Dr Stefan Lupold
  • Manar Maraqa
  • Dr Oliver Martin
  • Dr Aria Minder
  • Dr Mikael Mokkonen
  • Dr Wendi Moran
  • Dr Caroline Moussy
  • Claire Narraway
  • Dr Kensuke Okada
  • Dr Keiko Oku
  • Dr Wayne Rostant
  • Trudy Russell
  • Dr Damien Smith
  • Dr Michelle Taylor
  • Paul Watler
  • Drew Wilson
  • Dr Lucy Wright
  • Joel Wright

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